
Break Time!

So I've been done with school now for a little more than a week and let's just say I'm trying to enjoy this free time by being productive but also relaxing because that's something I haven't got to do in a LONG time. But I just wanted to let you people know that I tend to update my blog frequently this Summer starting with today by re-doing some things on the blog. 

This right here is an image taken at Monticello during our trip and it's probably one of my fonder memories leaving my first year in the IARc program. I just wanted to say thanks to everyone there that let me get to know them and for them taking the chance to get to know me if they did. Being around people 25 hours a day, you really get a chance to learn about the people you work around and it's a great bond I formed with many people. I got closer to people in this first year here then I did my entire four years in high school. I've met some awesome people and I plan to keep in touch with them. But to my friends, enjoy your break and enjoy whatever comes to you. See you guys later! 

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