
Presenting... The Bend!

So for those of you that actually follow my blog or even check it out I'd like to send you a million thanks! Because it really means a lot to me for people to see just some of the stuff I create and design because I feel like it should be shown and this is a great place for a beginner to display their work. If you are one of these people, hopefully you've seen my little secretive project I've been working on labeled as the Autonomous Project... well I'm here to tell you that Monday night was a late night at studio for me and I finally finished on what I was creating. Tuesday we had our final sort of critique which really wasn't much a critique at all, it was more of an exhibit for people to watch around throughout our studio and basically see what we had to show off. And this whole project we were supposed to work on throughout the entire semester and it was entirely about our design process and what we thought that was itself. And so we were not required to create a final piece but me I feel like that just might be part of my process, I like to experiment and figure things out and start building and solving problems. So now I will show you the result of what started out as 80 pieces of 36x48" of corrugated cardboard sheets...

what you are looking at is 320 pieces of cardboard hand cut, hand measured by myself in a very short amount of time. Five days of hard work and it paid off because this is what I created and in the end I was extremely proud of it, out of the 80 sheets I could get 4 panels out of each sheet. The pieces I cut from the 36x48" sheet were 18x20", I tried to use a standard size for depth and height of a chair/bench. I knew when Stoel assigned us this project way early in the semester I wanted to make a piece of furniture, it's something I've been longing to do for quite a long time. So cardboard was a material I felt like I knew slightly better than wood and I wanted to see if I could take something so flat and neutral and create something beautiful in form and also create something along the lines of "modern." So these were some of my initial sketches proposing some of my first ideas, and I had three ideas that I kinda worked around, which I'll show you in the form of Sketchup. 

So that's sort of the evolution of my bench, it started off very standard looking and boxy. Then I took Frank Gehry's Wiggle Chair and derived a continued form from that. Then in my final idea which I ended up making incorporated a bit from both ideas. So in the end I will honestly still say I don't know my process at all, but I know it works for me and I'll continue to do just that. Things are always changing and I'm constantly learning things and doing things differently based upon past experiences. So I'll leave you with some more images of the overall design process! 


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