
Falling At Falling Water

So recently the entire first year in the Interior Architecture program embarked on a trip to Monticello in VA and the University of Virginia and our last stop was the infamous Falling Water in Mill Run, PA. We left on our journey on last Sunday the 11th of April at roughly 6AM and came back to Greensboro the following day Monday. The bus was pretty uncomfortable for me honestly because I'm around 6'2 maybe and my knees were in the seat in front of me the entire time. But first we arrived in Charlottesville VA where Monticello is located and I documented several photos. 

And shortly after we left Monticello our next stop was the University of Virginia and unfortunately I left my camera on the bus so no photos from there so I'll use a Googled image...

After UVA we left for our motel called the Casselman Inn located in Grantsville, MD, we arrived there around 10PM or so.

And finally after that we headed towards the main attraction, Wright's Falling Water in Mill Run, PA. But to get there we first had to endure Toby (bus drivers name) taking us through the mountains which were intense hills that had everyone completely on edge. Finally, we arrived!

Lastly I don't know if you noticed or not I have 0, zilch, nada one single sketch! Well theres a story to that because after lunch at Falling Water (which was overly priced) I decided to try and attempt walking in the water that a trail had lead us to and me being slightly stupid walked right out onto this rock covered with moss and dirt and busted my butt right away in front of 6-7 people... embarrassing somewhat. But I fell in the crevace sort of area and got pretty soaked and when I fell my sketchbook somehow went flying on the other side of this rock and went into the whirlpool of water and just kinda sat there and luckily Stephanie (Stephon) was there to go back across this rock and get my sketchbook for me, oh and to photograph it too.  And currently this is what my sketchbook looks like...


1 comment:

  1. Oh Corry...your sketchbook disaster makes me sad and happy and the same time. Sad for sketches, happy for the story.

    Learned at dinner tonight that you are quite the twitter king...do I forsee a twittered autonomous project? :)
