
I Like Easter Egg Hunts Better...

So Tuesday Suzanne presented us with our final assignment for her class in which we are partaking in a scavenger hunt of sketches. With each class we have, we get another clue or thing to go draw. For this first clue, we had to choose two public places on campus that have a meaning to us. Whether it be something special to us or maybe it's some place we are everyday. And these are the two places that I chose to sketch...

I chose to draw the critique space on the 4th floor of our studio building. Not only is this a place I tend to visit generally everyday but it's also the place that's special to me because it's where I was introduced to this program in particular. And it's also where I met 50 some people that I would form good relationships with and would also be stuck with for possibly the next 4 years and for that reason this is a pretty cool space to me.

The second place is the park and ride stops located throughout campus; ever since I started school here at UNCG in Spring of '09 I have commuted. And what that means is I drive roughly 30 minutes to school everyday to park near the coliseum on W. Lee Street and have to ride a bus that stops at three different stops sprawled through the campus. And I have been doing this a year and a have now, and it does get old but it's what I have to do. 


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