
A Much Needed Update

So you might remember one of my latest posts about a multi media one point perspective that we had to construct in Suzanne's class. Well after that assignment we had to trade these drawings with another classmate and rearrange their space to our liking. But we had to keep it somewhat intact with it's original design. Such as the overall layout or it's overall feel and for mine I traded with Dajana (my wife) and she had drawn a mountain in the background through the windows. So I tried to channel that sort of feel and create some modern and warm kinda cabin. And here was the final result!

and I'd also like to apologize for the lack of blogging, I've been so busy here lately with my final studio project but I just finished wrapping that up today actually, HOORAY! And they'll be a new post of that project to follow this one soon enough. It's almost Summer and I'm excited but also gonna miss being in studio every day with all my buds. It's all I've known for nearly a year but I'll see them again soon enough! 

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