
Illuminated Objects

Our first assignment for Suzanne was to find 5 artifacts or objects around the studio or house that we tied meaning to, and originally the 5 objects were kind of random but 3 of the objects required cables at some point. So as I was drawing I realized that and ended up doing objects that needed cables attached to them at one point or another. Honestly for the layout of mine I should have and needed to consider a bit more then I did. But for some reason I just randomly placed them throughout because I didn't really have a theme to begin with. During this assignment we were required to use only 1 color pencil and I went with a bluish color. I decided not to put color in my images themselves to emphasize shading, instead I put somewhat of a super graphic in the background and colored it. This was the end result.

The next sort of assignment dealing with the same thing, was based around the principle of the first week back to school. And we had to draw inspiration from a magazine layout, I found a layout from magazine in the resource library and I tried as best to mimic it. And also I used my Chartpak's as a good chance to experiment some more.


  1. Corry-
    You never seem to amaze me...cause I always look for greatness in your work. #9 is brilliant...you sketched the 1st assignment back in the "story telling" assignment. That's what I like about you. Your thinking is superior to MOST. I'd like to work with you someday!

  2. CORRY,
    I really injoy your composition and the magazine layout you chose. I can actually see what you did your first week of school, also I think your colors are very nicely delt with.

  3. I can really tell where your inspiration came from, you portray it well in your re-creation. the use of your colors is really cool! i like how they stay sort of neutral like your inspirational layout. it is very clean! Good job!

  4. Oh my goodness, Corry, I love it. You have such talent. I especially love your drawings of Stoel and of Conan. I'll miss coco too. =(
