
Reading Comprehension #3

[1] Compare and contrast the cathedrals according to the matrix. To illustrate your post, hand draw a view of your “main” cathedral, scan it and place it at the top of your response. Your written thoughts should fully illuminate the questions asked with each cathedral pairing on the website. Strive for 250- 300 words total for this response. Include additional images, as applicable, if you wish. Also check out the west vs. east page and digest what is written there (20 points).

Amiens vs Salisbury
The two cathedrals themselves were built starting in the same year but Amiens states in Roth that it was completed in 1269. However repairs we’re undertaken in the coming centuries pushing it up through 1410. And the two towers that were completed in 1410 were not consistent really with the previous design of the cathedral. This is where the Salisbury cathedral differs, it’s construction dates range from the year 1220-1258 meaning that throughout the entire construction process it has a single architectural style; that being early English gothic. 
Amiens vs Cologne
The Cologne cathedral was built with the Amiens cathedral in mind the entire time; it’s plan, width to heigh proportion of its central nave and its overall architectural style. It’s plan follows that of a Latin cross which many Gothic cathedrals resemble. The Cologne is one of the world’s largest cathedrals and largest Gothic church in Northern Europe. I believe that both structures exemplify hierarchy and rich material throughout although similar. They were also similar in construction because they both to many centuries to really complete. 
Amiens vs Florence 
The language in which the Duomo speaks to me seems to make more sense in the Italy we know today, it’s a landmark for Florence and it’s rich with color and material just like the city is as well; the city incorporates that vibrant earthy red throughout Florence. And also the Duomo I believe is focusing on a more Renaissance like approach in that they are striving for new man-made technologies and encompasses a new sort of like dome technique. And the Amiens cathedral is a Gothic like structure in which height is important throughout its entire span and encompasses things we see in cathedrals to come. 
[2] This illustration from A Medieval Home Companion depicts woman at work in a medieval interior. Unfortunately, the image is closely cropped so we don’t see much of the rest of the dwelling in which she works. Using Harwood and Roth, complete the rest of the scene using words and images to demonstrate your understanding of the domestic medieval interior (10 points).

I think this space would have a lot of truss sort of beams throughout the entire structure and a lot of wooden elements since it seems to be a house among the commoners. I also believe this would be a pretty bare space that probably only had within it the essentials, that being a table and possibly some chairs. Materials that were in this place would probably be that of wood and also some stone. And I also think that the space includes a kitchen because in this image she is obviously cooking and it appears that kitchen might be in the spaces main hall. 

1 comment:

  1. [1]really great graphic sketch of amiens...nice discussion and comparison on the cathedrals [2]good supporting image for your understanding of medieval interiors
