
Egypt, Greece and Rome Summary

The other day in class history we were asked to compare these three societies; them being Egypt, Greece and Rome. And within these three civilizations we were asked to state an artifact, space, building and a place for all three. 

Within the Egyptian world I said that the hieroglyphics were the artifacts of their time because they were stories that were/are embedded with every piece of Egyptian culture. The Egyptians were about symmetry in many ways and also about repetition. Such is the example in Hypostyle Hall where you've got a common factor being these massive columns that repeat throughout the entire space. 

Next we've got the Grecian culture and I believe their artifacts are the stories about their mythology and their gods/goddesses that we know about very vividly even today. One building I love in the area of Athens is the temple of Athena Nike and how it's so small but yet still very much intact. 

In the Roman culture which we are just now dwelling into I think they are about horizontals and spanning across the face of the earth rather than building off of it with vertical elements. Also this is where the dome gets introduced or at least closer to a nearly perfected one. I believe the Pantheon is where you can see the dome and it's beauty at work. It's coffered coverings in the dome that lead to the gorgeous, open oculus. 

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