
Enhancing The Mossman Thumbnails

So I have meaning to blog this for some time now but simply haven't had ANY free time. But my last post for Suzanne's class was about the Mossman Administration Building and we had done 12 thumbnail drawings. So after those were complete the next part of this assignment was to take these thumbnails and take 5 of them and redo on 8.5x11" paper. But there was a twist... we had to visit Urban Sketchers and look at some of the entries on there and almost mock the artists style and let that influence our 5 drawings we chose to do. Now Urban Sketchers gets updated so much everyday that I honestly have no idea who drew these or when they were drawn. So instead of giving individual credit like I should I'm just giving the site credit which you should most definitely check out! So first I'm going to show you my inspiration photo then I'm going to show you my Mossman drawing that I attempted to shed some spotlight on the artists personal style.

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