
I Usually Make Gateways Outta Cast Iron...

So our most current project that we just recently completed in studio was the task of using a material we've used quite a bit... cardboard. The majority of the classmates are in the History and Theory of Design course with Judith and this gateway we had to make was basically made by drawing inspiration from a specific time period which they assigned to us. Our location we had to build the gateway was walking into the basement area between these two brick walls and there ended up being 6 groups total each having around 6-7 people each. Cardboard was out main material but wood and other materials were also introduced into the design. In my group I worked with Jasmine, Audra, Daniel, Melanie, Anna and Kelly and the only person I had previously worked with was Daniel on our window installation project. 

the space in which we were to work

But the project started with really just gathering precedent images of our time period which in my group ended up being the 13th century but mainly focused around the Gothic era. And everything started out really literal, everyone appeared to be just making things that had arches in them and I knew that going into it I didn't want to make anything so easy to tell what it was. So initially what I did in a fast model was a took an arch and a single flying buttress and simply rotated them 90 degrees. 

standard arch with flying buttress 

rotated 90 degrees now

and I really liked this idea because it was very basic to me but it looked really cool and I could just envision myself down there walking through it and I liked that. But after our first group meeting and stuff, our ideas were all over the place so we had to do what we could and bring them together. One idea that was presented by Daniel introduced triangles and we all kept coming back to that idea, so eventually we went with his and next developed this sculpture sort of visual experience that you would walk around. 

and after that our group met again and some of us still had our concerns and then someone proposed curving the triangles so we did and it looked really awesome. So we ran with that idea for a bit and we were wanting to incorporate metal such as roof flashing or sheet metal even to play with the light or just create a completely different experience in general. So next our model started coming to it's final stages of something like this. 

and here was some photographs on how we were planning some of the joinery of the lumber and cardboard we were using throughout. Joinery was extremely important because our tallest curve thing was 10 feet tall and the next one was 8 feet so we need much support which eventually still wasn't enough...

so finally after our nice Spring break and my amazing NYC trip, come Monday we were ready to start! But we didn't get to start like most groups until the night before and it was an experience because we started out trying to use a staple gun to construct our cardboard panels. I think we ended up cutting out 138 cardboard panels which was a TON of cardboard. But the staples weren't working out because they were not closing up on the other end for some reason. So we managed to try this technique for several hours and finally about 8PM Tuesday night we gave up on that and Audra went and got nuts and bolts and let's just say once she got back this way worked SO much better! We continued to do a little bit that night until 11:30 or so and we got back early Wednesday morning and started building again. 

and before we finished and were working on the second wall and the next thing we know our 10' foot wall goes falling over, luckily no one was over there because I'm imagining it could have hurt someone. But luckily we picked it up and were able to repair what had messed up. We barely finished on time and I would definitely say that we didn't, like that nice area we left open that wasn't intentional at all. We just didn't have time to cover it up with cardboard so we left it and thankfully they ended up liking it but wish we could have been more purposeful with it. 

after that was over (major stress was relieved) we had a booklet due Friday of all our work and for it I had decided to do a Sketchup model even though it wasn't required I just felt like it could only help communicate our ideas and stuff.

after I completed all the Sketchup work Melanie compiled all of our scans into a Powerpoint to print out and bind and here our the jpegs of each page we chose to book in our process booklet. 


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