
Window Installation(s)

Last Monday we received our newest project which was to choose a window from our 3rd floor studio area and create a object that was framed within the window that defines two things of light. And within the project statement it said to consider the space around your window, and when I read that I just had this awesome idea to work collaboratively with the whole studio and create some huge window mural banning the whole back side of the studio. But that didn't happen instead I got a group with 7 other individuals! I worked along with Daniel, Kayla, Colleen, Leslie, Alyssa, Blakeni, and Dajana (my wife). Which gave me a feeling for what group work is like, it's comparable to an episode of The Real World at times... but I steered away from that and let the ladies handle that drama aspect of it. But this idea was just awesome to me, and everyone I think. It started Wednesday when we met together and just started talking together and we all wanted some sort of a band, and we were thinking of incorporating some symbol like the infinity symbol but we scratched that idea and went with two bands of waves that crossed each other somewhere in the middle. While we were talking Vanessa comes over and seems to like our idea and tells us to try a bottle in cardboard which bottles is what we were thinking about using at the time. And that then led to what was our first charette type thing... because she challenged us to make one window panel of it by 11:30 and we did as you'll see below!

So after that we began getting to work and collecting bottles which means I basically went dumpster diving and cleaned out many of the surrounding recycling bins around campus. 

after the weekend and classes resumed Monday we had created a rough idea of what we wanted after collecting many, many plastic bottles.

and from there we began constructed the final project which was time consuming and later led to some bloodshed.... but here is the final deal!

and here was my individual panel that I was responsible for

the next task to do after this was to model our window in Sketchup which was our first go around at this program and it was a time demanding one for sure

and for the bloodshed that I mentioned earlier in the post. That was suffered on my end, the one large bottle that I chose to use ended up leading me to the hospital because I stabbed my leg which my brand new mat knife and as soon as it started happening blood was drawn.  Thankfully I sit around some real sweet ladies and Colleen, Leslie and Dajana (my wife) took me to Wesley Long on Friendly... even though I was stubborn and didn't want to go at all I eventually did and they just bandaged me up and then I went back to studio and finished my work and stayed the night there.

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