
A First Year Review

Tuesday we were asked to attend an hour of the first year critiques which were all centered around the same idea. They were all taking an existing space on Walker/Tate Street called St. Mary’s House and creating a writers retreat from that. They could create an addition if deemed necessary as well. I chose to review Kristy Stroud’s presentation in which she displayed technical drawings, hand renderings and a model too. Kristy’s technical drawings helped communicate the overall floor layout and where exactly furnishings and built ins would be placed. Sections were key in showing me just what I was seeing in this space in more depth. The renderings she worked on were just vignettes on various perspectives which promoted materiality throughout the space. I would say what guided me the most through her presentation though was the model itself. The other presentations I witnessed and all I could really see was poched walls that stood out boldly to me. However Kristy’s model gave me more of an idea of what it physically felt like to be in that space. Overall Kristy’s spoken words, drawings, renderings and model building technique created a nice effective presentation style that worked in her favor. I would say a general comment for her and many of the other presentations I saw would definitely be line weights, they’re instrumental in reading exactly what comes first and what comes afterwards. And with being further away than some, technical drawings become very flat and difficult to understand but line weights will just help anyone and everyone out.

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