
Diving Right Into JENGA 5.0

Coming right back into the studio environment Monday we dove directly into the beginning stages of JENGA 5.0. This began with our group (JIVE) meeting with two other groups and conducting a one hour charrette with each other group. Each charrette was an attempt at blending both four story units from 4.0 into an eight story complex while producing some initial ideas such as diagrams, sketches and statements. Both groups began with initial ideas and examining both complexes and seeing what really could come from it. I’ll admit that was definitely a challenge though because we had roughly ten or so minutes to do that, then we had to get the ball rolling.


Our first joining of groups was with ALLURE and our projects both made sense together. It seemed as if they could definitely mesh together but having only a brief amount of time to do that made it difficult. Our units shared similar shapes, being straight lined and having both horizontal and vertical elements. Their unit contained more symmetry than ours did but that could easily be incorporated throughout ours. Anyways I worked with Kacie Leisure and we worked on the perspective sketches and other initial drawings. We struggled because we just simply didn’t know what to sketch so we gave it our all. I worked by drawing my groups unit since that’s what I knew best and then I tried incorporating ALLURE’S principles into ours throughout the eight stories. 

Moving into the second group we knew what we were getting into, and honestly it was very intimidating. ANGLING’S design from 4.0 was an immersive and complex design that twisted and weaved throughout the entire structure. Our design featured straight lines and clean materials and was contained within an entire square and theirs was the complete opposite. Incorporating many different planes that were connected and wrapped around the entire space, you seem to get a bit lost and overwhelmed by theirs at times. I worked along with fellow JIVE member Austin Loman to do once again more sketches. He began with a sketch that was pretty much what made sense to do and I drew that too and tried elaborating upon that. But by the time the hour was up I was at the same place because I just didn’t know exactly what to do with our two units coming together. 

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