
Peer Review: Sharece

Sharece Ramos’ and her three spaces all revolved literally on that very concept word itself... “revolve”. Sharece portrayed the idea of revolutions in two units by physical manipulation of the space itself. In her third space she had the intention of people being navigated by her kit of parts solely. 
In her first space her kit that she selected was the two solids, and what these to is move to create new and different spaces for various functions. Her idea in designing this overall space was to “revolve around an idea” and I believe this space accurately displays that in being able to maneuver the kit itself. 


The next square unit is based around creating a central point in the space, that being a column and being able once again to physically move something. The something in this space being the two walls that are hinged to the column to create an orbital path of sorts. This space can allow for designating more room to a space just by simply moving a wall which is a nice idea that could really create something interesting. 

Lastly in the largest space she utilizes the two columns and one wall kit. What this kit allows her to do is to force the user to be guided or revolve around the space in a particular manner that she has created. Also the columns create a sense of privacy in which to allocate space for the bathing and washing facilities needed. 


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