

While in New York I had my new Nikon D5000 which is an SLR camera that also records video so i decided to take advantage of that and I used it to document different parts of the trip. Me and my friend Phillip have done this before on previous trips because we enjoyed doing it but sadly this trip we didn't get to do it as much as we would have liked but regardless I still tried to record at least once a day. And basically this was the end result of once I took the footage into iMovie and compiled everything! ENJOY!

1 comment:

  1. so i checked out your dc pix on flicker and i thought actually do some justice to the sights..i was home for too short of a time..but bringing my friend n being a tourist for even a few days tho made go to all the monuments, museums and such that i forget about (there so big..how i could do so...?) brought a whole new fun to it. tis good to be placed out of your element for a time.
    i like the metro station picture the best i think.
    evoked a lil homesickness tho,

    t_ JeFfErSon is my homeboi . :P
