“The strongest bond of human sympathy outside the family relation should be one uniting working people of all nations and tongues and kindreds.”
-Abraham Lincoln
A question Patrick recently started asking us was how do we get the “crap” we call the suburbs nowadays... and these are known as communities I think or developments. But we still never gained an insight to how this style even really began or why it all started to become redundant. But communities are more then just groupings of houses. It’s people, it is people coming together to create something powerful, something that can affect the world and change it, for good or worse... it’s still a community. I have to say that I’m not even in the program yet, I will be this fall! WHOA, should I be excited or not, ha. Nah but just going up there will Phillip to work on my Precedent Analysis I’ve come to socialize with many of them, last night I stayed the night and went and got some copies at Kinko’s with some majors and went and got Jimmy Johns at like 2:30 AM, which is an experience in itself. But I think that’s a community, and I like it.
“I do not believe we can settle how much we ought to give. I am afraid the only safe rule is to give more than we can spare.”
-C.S. Lewis
I honestly had never heard this word in the context Patrick put it until we got to the annoying sustainability topic... which I am really sick of that word. People don’t even know what it means, yet some try to design that way because it’s the bee’s knees in present time. Maybe in 100 years, people will want to use our resources all again; who knows? But this word is a better word, because it has more meaning than just in an environmental ideal, plus people aren’t familiar with this word, YET! So it’s always nice to mix it up some, you know..? Mostly I’d say stewardship is a responsibility someone has to devote their own care to attending to a particular item for it’s progression.
“Innovation is not the product of logical thought, although the result is tired to logical structure.”
-Albert Einstein
Innovation was a BIG word in the 20th century and I still think it is in todays time, people are always inventing insane things, like I can’t even imagine what people like 100 years ago would currently say about our technology, really anything now days would probably baffle them. I found one building there in planning stages of in Dubai (of course) that is called the Dynamic Tower, wikipedia it or something... it’s INSANE! But this building physically moves, like all 80 floors I believe. Every 90 minutes every floor revolves a full rotation and what’s more amazing about this structure is that 90% is being built in a factory, the rest is built on site and will only take 22 months to construct thanks to the innovations in todays period.
"Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but usually manages to pick himself up, walk over or around it, and carry on."
-Winston Churchill
I’d say this honestly is the hardest thing to achieve in merely every subject now days because soooo many things tend to look identical and it doesn’t even have to be on purpose. It’s because there is so much poopie on this Earth and things start being seen as a mass of whatever it may be, but it all starts to become sort of repetitive which certainly sucks. But you definitely have your designers and people that create beautiful things such as art, music, ideas, products, architecture. I think the gentleman that designed the HSB Turning Torso in Sweden, is a magnificent designer because there is absolutely nothing that compares in form in my mind.
“If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story.”
-Orson Welles
So as much as I hate doing Opus entries, I’m gonna miss school and Patrick walking into walls and staying the night and going to Jimmy Johns late at night and waiting in line like it was the release of the brand new iPhone or something. I’ll miss walking into class throwing frisbee back and fourth with Carlos and then Patrick catching it when he walked in too. But I think I need this break, to prepare myself for the Fall, but I’ve heard the Fall semester is a breeze compared to the Spring, so... UNTIL THE FALL! LATER FELLOW BLOGGERS!